Frequently asked questions, answered.
NSHVLL is a free service that allows users to create lists of their favorite places in Nashville and share with friends.
How many times have been asked by people planning a trip to Nashville for the best places to eat or drink? Wouldn’t it be nice if you could quickly point them to your own curated lists? Create your lists here and share them.
NSHVLL is made by Hart & Vine. And ultimately you. By signing up and creating your own lists, you are helping support this great community.
Email us with your business details and press kit or selection of photos.
We’re building the database from scratch, so it’s likely we haven’t added it yet. But you can help! Use our “Add a place” form to add them.
When you submit a place to the NSHVLL app, it will be marked “pending” until a member of our team approves it. Pending items are only visible to you. No one will be able to see it on your list until it has been approved.
By default, all lists are public and will appear in the search results. But you can choose to make your list private, which means that your list will not be visible on your lists page, or be searchable within the app. You may share your private list with your friends by sending them the URL. Anyone who has that URL can view your private list.
A ranked list displays numerals next to each place on your list. For example, you could use ranking with a list called “Top ten places to see a show”, and the numbers 1 to 10 will display automatically.